One of the benefits of working night shift here in the desert is that the native wildlife comes out in the morning, before many day workers are out and about. I get to hear the multitude of birds, watch the rabbits munch on the native plants in my workplace yard, and occaisionally get to see wonders like this pair of Harris Hawks right here in an established city neighborhood.
I unfortunately don't have a night vision camera, because from time to time we have a bobcat that hangs out in the flowerbed right outside the living room picture window! We regularly see coyotes and javelinas, also nocturnal for the most part, crossing the yard and even going right past our cars, parked next to the house.
This is a regular house in a regular Tucson neighborhood, not on the outskirts, that has been here since the 1970s, which only goes to show that we indeed live right next to wildlife, even in the city.